Collegial Circles

Collegial Circles

A collegial circle is a group of teachers who meet on a regular basis to discuss a common goal, need, interest or essential question that impacts learning in the classroom. There is a shared commitment to the purpose of the group. Anything that directly impacts instruction may qualify for a Collegial Circle. For example, participants could develop new lessons, explore and plan the implementation of new teaching strategies and programs, or read and discuss literature related to your subject area in connection to an action research project.

Step 1: Review the Collegial Circles Guide.

Step 2: Submit the Collegial Circle Proposal Form.

Step 3: Meet with your participants. After each session, all participants complete the Collegial Circle Log Form.

Step 4: At the completion of your Collegial Circle, the facilitator submits the final product and Collegial Circle Participant List.

Step 5: All participants submit the Collegial Circle Invoice Form.

Group of teachers at circular table sharing ideas

Collegial Circles Guide

Collegial Circle Proposal Form
2024 - 2025

Collegial Circle Log Form
2024 - 2025

Collegial Circle Master Participant List

Collegial Circle Invoice Form
2024 - 2025